Sample data information

Counting reads

Loading sample data

dir <- system.file("extdata", package="airway", mustWork=TRUE) #Specifies data file path in airway package
csv.file <- file.path(dir, "sample_table.csv") #File path for sample info table
sample.table <- read.csv(csv.file, row.names=1)
bam.files <- file.path(dir, paste0(sample.table$Run, "_subset.bam")) #File paths for each sample .bam data
gtf.file <- file.path(dir, "Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75_subset.gtf") #File path for file containing exon info
bam.list <- BamFileList(bam.files) #BamFileList object that stores data in from all bam files
txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(gtf.file, format="gtf")  #TxDb object that stores transcript annotation <- exonsBy(txdb, by="gene") #Creates GRangesList
  • TxDb objects are RSQLite objects that can use saveDb() and loadDb()
  • In GRangesList, each element is a table of exons for a single gene
    • length() will return number of genes in list, elementLengths() will return number of exons for each gene

Generating counts with Genomic Alignments package

#Generate a SummarizedExperiment object containing gene/exon counts
se <- summarizeOverlaps(, bam.list,
                        mode="Union", #Method for determining when read is mapped to a feature
colData(se) #Sample information, currently empty
## DataFrame with 8 rows and 0 columns
colData(se) <- DataFrame(sample.table) #So assign data stored in sample.table to colData
rowRanges(se) #Feature informations, currently the exons originally stored in GRangesList
## GRangesList object of length 20:
## $ENSG00000009724
## GRanges object with 18 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
##        seqnames               ranges strand |   exon_id       exon_name
##           <Rle>            <IRanges>  <Rle> | <integer>     <character>
##    [1]        1 [11086580, 11087705]      - |        98 ENSE00000818830
##    [2]        1 [11090233, 11090307]      - |        99 ENSE00000472123
##    [3]        1 [11090805, 11090939]      - |       100 ENSE00000743084
##    [4]        1 [11094885, 11094963]      - |       101 ENSE00000743085
##    [5]        1 [11097750, 11097868]      - |       102 ENSE00003482788
##    ...      ...                  ...    ... .       ...             ...
##   [14]        1 [11106948, 11107176]      - |       111 ENSE00003467404
##   [15]        1 [11106948, 11107176]      - |       112 ENSE00003489217
##   [16]        1 [11107260, 11107280]      - |       113 ENSE00001833377
##   [17]        1 [11107260, 11107284]      - |       114 ENSE00001472289
##   [18]        1 [11107260, 11107290]      - |       115 ENSE00001881401
## ...
## <19 more elements>
## -------
## seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
assay(se) #Count table
##                 SRR1039508 SRR1039509 SRR1039512 SRR1039513 SRR1039516
## ENSG00000009724         38         28         66         24         42
## ENSG00000116649       1004       1255       1122       1313       1100
## ENSG00000120942        218        256        233        252        269
## ENSG00000120948       2751       2080       3353       1614       3519
## ENSG00000171819          4         50         19        543          1
## ENSG00000171824        869       1075       1115       1051        944
## ENSG00000175262          0          0          4          1          0
## ENSG00000198793       1546       1719       1745       1970       2099
## ENSG00000207213          0          0          0          0          0
## ENSG00000207451          0          0          0          1          0
## ENSG00000215785          0          0          1          0          0
## ENSG00000225602          1          0          0          1          0
## ENSG00000226849          2          0          1          1          2
## ENSG00000230337          2          0          4          4          0
## ENSG00000238173          0          0          0          0          0
## ENSG00000238199          0          1          0          0          2
## ENSG00000253086          1          0          0          0          0
## ENSG00000264181          0          0          0          0          0
## ENSG00000271794          0          0          0          0          0
## ENSG00000271895         42         37         36         26         31
##                 SRR1039517 SRR1039520 SRR1039521
## ENSG00000009724         41         47         36
## ENSG00000116649       1879        745       1536
## ENSG00000120942        465        207        400
## ENSG00000120948       3716       2220       1990
## ENSG00000171819         10         14       1067
## ENSG00000171824       1405        748       1590
## ENSG00000175262          0          1          0
## ENSG00000198793       3280       1237       2521
## ENSG00000207213          0          0          0
## ENSG00000207451          0          0          0
## ENSG00000215785          0          0          0
## ENSG00000225602          0          0          0
## ENSG00000226849          6          1          2
## ENSG00000230337          5          1          3
## ENSG00000238173          0          0          0
## ENSG00000238199          0          0          0
## ENSG00000253086          0          0          0
## ENSG00000264181          0          0          0
## ENSG00000271794          0          0          0
## ENSG00000271895         42         33         23

Another example

  • PAPER:Conservation of an RNA regulatory map between Drosophila and mammals.
  • Sample data in passilaBamSubset package
bam.file <- untreated3_chr4() #loads just a single bam file
bf <- BamFile(bam.file) #stores bam file in BamFileList object
txdb <- TxDb.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3.ensGene #stores gene annotation data as a #TxDb object
ebg <- exonsBy(txdb, by="gene")
ebg[[1]] #Note first gene is on chromosome 3
## GRanges object with 1 range and 2 metadata columns:
##       seqnames             ranges strand |   exon_id   exon_name
##          <Rle>          <IRanges>  <Rle> | <integer> <character>
##   [1]    chr3R [2648220, 2648518]      + |     45123        <NA>
##   -------
##   seqinfo: 15 sequences (1 circular) from dm3 genome
chr4.idx <- all(seqnames(ebg) == "chr4") #Creates logical vector of which genes are located on chr4
#seqnames() returns the name of a list element
ebg.sub <- ebg[chr4.idx] #subsets ebg to chr4 genes
se <- summarizeOverlaps(ebg.sub, bf,
head(assay(se)) #return gene counts for first few genes
##             untreated3_chr4.bam
## FBgn0002521                 192
## FBgn0004607                   5
## FBgn0004859                  95
## FBgn0005558                   9
## FBgn0005561                   5
## FBgn0005666                 132


Problems for comparing samples

  • Not every sample will have the same number of reads

    data(airway) #Call the full SummarizedExperiment object stored in airway package
    colSums(assay(airway))/1e6 #Number of reads for each sample in millions
    ## SRR1039508 SRR1039509 SRR1039512 SRR1039513 SRR1039516 SRR1039517
    ##   20.63797   18.80948   25.34865   15.16342   24.44841   30.81821
    ## SRR1039520 SRR1039521
    ##   19.12615   21.16413
  • Variance is higher for genes with high counts
    • So genes with high counts will contribute more toward the distance between samples than genes with smaller counts
    plot(assay(airway)[,1:2], cex = 0.5)

Controlling for sequencing depth with normalization and log-transformation

dds <- DESeqDataSet(airway, design= ~ cell + dex)
  • Creates a DESeqDataSet from a SummarizedExperiment
    • Object can also be created from count matrix and sample table using DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(matrix, colData = sample.table, design = formula)
  • estimateSeizeFactors determines a robust estimate of the difference in sequencing depth between samples

    dds <- estimateSizeFactors(dds)
    ## SRR1039508 SRR1039509 SRR1039512 SRR1039513 SRR1039516 SRR1039517
    ##  1.0236476  0.8961667  1.1794861  0.6700538  1.1776714  1.3990365
    ## SRR1039520 SRR1039521
    ##  0.9207787  0.9445141
    plot(sizeFactors(dds), colSums(counts(dds))) #Compares robust estimate to read totals per sample
    • Size factors are calculated using the median, so they are unaffected by large outlier gene counts
    • Specifically calculated using the median ratio of a sample to a pseudosample (the geometric mean of each gene across all samples)

      exp(median((log(counts(dds)[,1]) - loggeomeans)[is.finite(loggeomeans)])); sizeFactors(dds)[1]
      ## [1] 1.023648
      ## SRR1039508
      ##   1.023648
      • log(counts(dds)[,1]) - loggeomeans represents the ratio between counts and the pseudo sample since \(\text{log}(x/y) = \text{log}(x)-\text{log}(y)\)
      • exp(median(log(...))) takes the median of this ratio while still log transformed, but converts back with exp
      • loggeomeans represnts the pseudosample

        loggeomeans <- rowMeans(log(counts(dds))) #The geometric mean is identical to the arithmetic mean of the log transform
        hist(log(counts(dds)[,1]) - loggeomeans, #The size factor will be the exp(median) of this distribution
             col="grey", main="", xlab="", breaks=40)

        #DIGRESSION: The geometric mean is equal to the exponent of the arithmetic mean of the log transformed data
        x <- c(1,3,5)
        geometric.mean(x); exp(mean(log(x)))
        ## [1] 2.466212
        ## [1] 2.466212
      • [is.finite(loggeomeans)] removes the genes with any zero counts across samples, since geometric mean will be Inf
  • Data can be normalized to sizeEstimates + Divides data point in a column by it’s corresponding size factor

    #normalized = T specifies normalization
    counts(dds, normalized=TRUE)[1,1]; counts(dds)[1,1]/sizeFactors(dds)[1]
    ## [1] 663.3142
    ## SRR1039508
    ##   663.3142
  • Taking the log of the normalized counts may reduce the dominance of high count genes

    log.norm.counts <- log2(counts(dds, normalized=TRUE) + 1)
    #Alternatively, using DESeq2 function
    log.norm <- normTransform(dds)
    rs <- rowSums(counts(dds))
    boxplot(log2(counts(dds)[rs > 0,] + 1)) # not normalized
    #+1 represents a pseudocount to avoid problem of log2(0)
    boxplot(log.norm.counts[rs > 0,]) # normalized

  • Compare the read spread between unormalized and normalized/log-transformed data

    plot(assay(airway)[,1:2], cex = 0.5)
    plot(log.norm.counts[,1:2], cex=0.5)
    • However, notice there is still a disproportionate spread at the lower count values

Transformation with variance stabilization (VST)

  • The prinicple feature of variance stabilization is to shrink together the low count data from log-transformed counts
  • DESeq2 has two methods for variance stabilization:
    • rlog - regularized log, perhaps the best choice when size factors vary greatly
    • varianceStabilizingTransformation - faster, particularly for data with many (100s) of samples
    rld <- rlog(dds, blind=FALSE)
    vsd <- varianceStabilizingTransformation(dds, blind=FALSE)
    plot(assay(airway)[,1:2], cex = 0.1)
    plot(assay(log.norm)[,1:2], cex = 0.1)
    plot(assay(rld)[,1:2], cex=.1)
    plot(assay(vsd)[,1:2], cex=.1)
  • A plot of mean vs. standard deviation for each gene can help show how successful the transformations are

    #Normally, to generate plot, just call meanSdPlot(data, ranks = T)
    raw.plot <- meanSdPlot(assay(airway), ranks=FALSE, plot = FALSE)$gg + theme(legend.position="none") + ggtitle("raw")
    log.plot <- meanSdPlot(assay(log.norm), ranks=FALSE, plot = FALSE)$gg + theme(legend.position="none") + ggtitle("log")
    rld.plot <- meanSdPlot(assay(rld), ranks=FALSE, plot = FALSE)$gg + theme(legend.position="none") + ggtitle("rlog")
    vsd.plot <- meanSdPlot(assay(vsd), ranks=FALSE, plot = FALSE)$gg + theme(legend.position="none") + ggtitle("vsd")
    grid.arrange(raw.plot, log.plot, rld.plot, vsd.plot, ncol=4)
    • In the raw counts, standard deviation continually increases with mean count number
    • The log, rlog, and vsd transforms all stabilize the standard deviation across mean count number
    • However, the rlog appears to have the most stable variance across all count numbers

Exploratory analysis

Correlation analysis

rmeans <- rowMeans(assay(rld)) # row mean of rlog-transformed data
mat <- assay(rld)[rmeans > 1,] # select genes with average count > 1
colnames(mat) <- rld$dex # name the columns of matrix by treatment

#Function to sample 1000 points from each sample of a two sample comparison
panel.sub <- function(x,y,...) points(cbind(x,y)[sample(length(x),1000),],...)

#Function to display R^2 for a two sample comparison
panel.cor <- function(x, y, digits = 2, prefix = "", ...)  {
  usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr))
  par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
  r <- abs(cor(x, y))
  txt <- format(r, digits = digits)
  text(0.5, 0.5, txt)

pairs(mat, cex = 0.5, lower.panel=panel.cor, upper.panel=panel.sub)

Principal component analysis

data <- plotPCA(rld, intgroup=c("dex","cell"), returnData=TRUE)
percentVar <- 100*round(attr(data, "percentVar"),2)
makeLab <- function(x,pc) paste0("PC",pc,": ",x,"% variance")
ggplot(data, aes(PC1,PC2,col=dex,shape=cell)) + geom_point() +
  xlab(makeLab(percentVar[1],1)) + ylab(makeLab(percentVar[2],2))

Hierarchical clustering

plot(hclust(dist(t(assay(log.norm)))), labels=colData(dds)$dex)
plot(hclust(dist(t(assay(rld)))), labels=colData(rld)$dex)

Additional example

  • ReCount database is a site of analysis ready RNA-seq count data
  • PAPER: Alternative isoform regulation in human tissue transcriptomes.

    #wang.eset is an ExpressionSet object
    count.matrix <- exprs(wang.eset)[,10:21] #exprs() extracts matrix of expression values <- pData(wang.eset)[10:21,] #pData() extracts data frame of sample info
    dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(count.matrix,, design=~cell.type)
    #Which tissue has the highest size factor?
    dds = estimateSizeFactors(dds)
    dds$cell.type[ which.max(sizeFactors(dds)) ]
    ## [1] lymph.node
    ## 8 Levels: cerebellum colon heart liver lymph.node ... skeletal.muscle
    #Which tissue clusters with the cerebellum upon VSD transformation
    vsd = varianceStabilizingTransformation(dds, blind=FALSE)
    plotPCA(vsd, intgroup="cell.type")

    rmeans <- rowMeans(assay(vsd))
    idx <- c(1,2,10,7,8,9,12) # pick limited set of samples for visualization
    mat <- assay(vsd)[rmeans > 1,idx]
    colnames(mat) <- vsd$cell.type[idx] # name the columns of matrix by cell type
    pairs(mat, cex = 0.5, lower.panel=panel.cor, upper.panel=panel.sub)