Basic CSS notes

CSS styling

Specifying CSS

  • CSS can be specified in multiple ways
    • Inline - style info is provided in actual tags
      • <p style="color:blue;">This is blue text</p>
      • This is blue text

    • Internal - all style info is provided in the head section of the same HTML doc to be styled

        <!DOCTYPE html>
        body {background-color:lightgrey;}
        p    {color:blue;}
        <p>This is a paragraph.</p>
      • This is a paragraph.

    • External - all style info is provided in an additional css file
      • A css file can be linked by placing <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" hrek="location"/> in <head> material

Style rules

  • Basic rules follow the form:
    tag {
    • e.g. to make all <h1> text red, place following in css file
      h1 {
      color: red

Basic font styling

  • font-family: font, alt font, ... can accept many named fonts
    • Alt fonts are used to specify a font in the case that a users system can render the primary font
    • Multiple alt fonts can be used
  • color: can be specified with color names (red), hex code (#FF0000), or rgb (rgb(255,0,0))
  • font-size: can be specified at pixels (60px), relative to default browser size (1.5rem), or relative to parent element size (0.75em)
    • On most browsers, 1rem = 16px
    • If the parent element size was 20px, a child element with size 0.5em would have a font size of 10px

Class styling

  • Instead of applying a single style to all instances of a particular tag, collections of styles can be assigned to a class that can be applied to specific sections of HTML
  • The general format of a class is:
    .className {
    • Example to create a class that will be used to apply a font color only to a header
        .header {
      color: #ffffff
    • Invoke this style in the HTML file by ```

    <div class=header> <h1>Text</h1> </div> ```

    • The resulting text will have color #ffffff regardless of tag
  • Multiple classes can be assigned to a single tag
    • All classes should be within a single set of quotation marks and separated by spaces

Tag-specific class styling

  • Sometimes, you do not want a component of a particular class to apply to all possible tags
    • E.g. You might want <h1> elements in a class to be red, while all other text is blue
    • Can be achieved with:

      <!-- CSS file -->
      .example p {
        color: red
      <!-- HTML file-->
      <div class="example">
          <p>red text</p>


      <!-- CSS file -->
      p.example {
        color: red
      <!-- HTML file-->
          <p class="example">red text</p>
    • .className tag {...} will be applied to any instance of the specified tag that has a PARENT element with the specified className
    • tag.className {...} will be applied to any instance of the specified tag that ITSELF has the specified className
      • This functions the same a simply .className {...} with the exception that it can only be successfully applied to instances of the specified tag
  • May be better to give each style of a tag its own class, rather than making tag-specific exceptions
    • This results in longer tag attributes, but limits the amount of repeated code in the CSS file needed for every exception to a rule

Psuedo-class selectors

  • Psuedo-class selectors are selectors that modify classes
  • The active psuedo-class is a class that only applies to a class when it is actively clicked
.ex p {color:red; position: relative}
.ex p:active {top:5px}
<div class="ex"><p>I move down when clicked</p></div>

I move down when clicked

* `position` sets whatever position <p> takes as relative, so that when a `top` position is applied to the active psuedo-class, it moves relative to its starting position


  • background-image can add an image as a background-image
  • background-size determines how the image fills the background spaces

ID selectors

  • ID selectors are similar to classes, in that they allow you to specify style to a particular element
  • However, unlike classes, ID selectors can be used only once
  • Therefore, ID selectors are useful for one-time exceptions to a class rule
  • ID selectors are specified with the # symbol in the css info
    • E.g. the following code will produce red text, even though the class rule specifies blue text ``` p { color: blue } #exception { color: red }

    This text is really red


Page spacing

  • Sections of a rendered HTML page are oriented according to the “box model”
The Box Model
  • Border can add a border of a given thickness, pattern, and color around content
    • Basic form is border: thickness pattern color
    • E.g border: 5px solid #F00
  • Padding adds space between content and its border
    • Basic form is padding: top right bottom left
    • A single padding value will be applied equally to all sides
    • Eg. padding: 20px
  • Margin determines how much space is placed between the content:padding:boarder element and other elements
    • Basic form is margin: top right bottom left
    • A single margin value will be applied equally to all sides
    • Eg. margin: 5rem (notice distance from this line)


  • display: inline allows sequential items to be placed horizontally
    <style>.ex li {display: inline}</style>
    <div style="border:1px solid #F00; padding:5px; width:250px">
          <li>Item 1</li>
          <li>Item 2</li>
          <li>Item 3</li>
      <ul class="ex">
          <li>Item 1</li>
          <li>Item 2</li>
          <li>Item 3</li>


    • Item 1
    • Item 2
    • Item 3


    • Item 1
    • Item 2
    • Item 3
  • The float style places on object directly on top of whatever element it would otherwise follow
    <style>.ex li {display: inline}</style>
    <div style="border:1px solid #F00; padding:5px; width:250px">
          <li>Item 1</li>
          <li>Item 2</li><p style="float:right">Float</p>
          <li>Item 3</li>
      <ul class="ex">
          <li>Item 1</li>
          <li>Item 2</li>
          <li>Item 3</li><p style="float:right">Float</p>


  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Float

  • Item 3


  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
  • Float

  • The flex layout allows for even distribution of items within a container
    • Begin with the style display: flex in the parent items
      <div style="display:flex">
* The default setting is to distribute flex horizontally, but without further attributes, this can distribute elements off the pages
* The additional style `flex-wrap: wrap` will wrap any off page elements to the next row
* `justify-content: center` can align the wrapped flex elements to the center
* `align items:` can help to align differently shaped elements
    * Options include `flex-start`, `flex-end`, `center`, `stretch`, `baseline`